Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lee and Collier counties added a quarter-million residents over the last decade


Data Release by news-press: Lee and Collier counties added a quarter-million residents over the last decade, a robust population increase that followed some of the most dramatic economic swings in Southwest Florida history.

In total, Lee grew more than 40 percent between 2000 and 2010, and now has a population of nearly 620,000. Collier jumped a more modest 28 percent.

Much of that growth likely took part during the first half of the decade, when pre-recession prognosticators envisioned a Lee County topping 670,000 people by this time.

Though Cape Coral remains the highest-populated municipality at about 154,000, Lee’s growth areas were primarily to the south and east of Interstate 75.

Cape Coral’s population growth of nearly 51 percent is healthy, though members of the industry thought the population might be as many as 10,000 people higher, said H. M., executive director of the Cape Coral Construction Industry Association.

The results keep Cape Coral among the state’s most populated cities and there are signs of a turning market, she said. “There’s movement,” she said. “We’re still cautiously optimistic.”



Cape Coral Florida

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